Tuesday, September 18, 2018

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Talking About CSL Radio Frequency Identification

By Jeffrey Rogers

Not an indulging title, is it not? In fact, it cannot be even more obvious that this topic is only for business. We do not have anything against that but we admit we might have difficulty with writing this article. Nonetheless, here we are going for it. Do not let the big title scare you away. We try to make this as engaging as possible so everyone can understand. Yes, that goes for this humble author as well. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to CSL RFID.

What do you get after a drunken night full of rich people and drastic decisions? When bets have been wagered, money has been waved around and spent like no tomorrow? Did you expect to be on a cruise ship, drinking vodka shots out of a trophy? Because that is exactly where we are taking this.

Imagine the zombie apocalypse for instance. You find yourself stranded all by yourself after you just killed your friends. They got bit and turned into those dead biters so you had to. It had been their dying wish to be put out of their misery since they do not want to become one of them. As a friend, you could only obey their wish.

You made yourself a neat little cot in that place. Setting up your equipment for hacking and listening it, you made yourself comfortable below the window. You hope the light from the computer screen will not be seen from the outside or else you can just say goodbye to your cover and then hope you would not die by the end of it.

Speaking of, yes, you lost them even before all the dying and coming back to life started. You want to find them and be together again since they are your family. They are the only living family members you have left. And that is assuming they are even still alive at this rate. You are not so sure anymore.

But you hold on. And along the way, you find an old friend you have not seen in years. You discovered that he survived as much this far even after getting the short end of the stick. You see, he does not live in the same country you do. Just as he had decided to visit, it was the same day the outbreak happened.

You dealt with mafias before. They are not exactly easy to deal with but it has become a common occurrence for you to always be assigned to them. This does not surprise you that your superiors sent you on this one.

You also discovered that he has been following the instructions of a radio he found. It still worked and it keeps on sending out signals about a safe haven. That, as long as you follow where the frequency is strongest, you will get there eventually.

You leave the place with the information obtained. You are satisfied after staking out for a month. Your stuff and equipment are all back in your apartment and you might send your info to your boss while going out to get coffee. You need it.

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