Monday, July 1, 2019

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An Overview Of CSL RFID Reader

By Kevin Gray

Every company owner that has installed an RFID reader knows that its performance is critical in the daily running of the company. A failure in the system may cause the company to experience great loss as work will slow down and may even require the hiring of new employees to manually read and record tags on items. In light of this, it is important to know and understand the common factors that can negatively affect the performance of a CSL RFID reader.

Firstly, this technology has a wide scanning range. Unlike other systems like bar-coding that can only scan when the device is close, an RFID can easily pick up ID tags from a wider range and even through hindrances between the reader and the tag in some cases.

Another factor that can affect the working of this system is having metallic barriers between the reader and the tags. It is crucial to ensure that there is a direct line of sight between the reading system and the tags so as to have a smooth system performance.

Conductive objects as well as humans can also affect the running of this automatic system. While this system is quite affordable and can read tags at a wide range, you should always remember that its performance can be easily degraded by conductive objects like metallic surfaces as well as water. Humans are mostly made up of water and can therefore affect this reader.

A forth advantage is seen in the cost of installing this automatic system for your business. This device has been around for quite some years and has also been popular in many countries. The cost of installing this system was initially high but has reduced over the years. Although the installing cost cannot be termed as cheap, having this reader in your place of business will greatly reduce the number of employees you will need and this saves you money that would be used in wages and salaries.

Theft prevention is also an advantage of installing this CSL scanner in your place of business. If you run a company with a high chance of theft or a company that is highly classified, you can install this reader at the door. This will reduce theft as this system will alert the security guard or the receptionist in case anyone tried to take a tagged item with them.

The tags basically should also be looked into very cautiously. For example, you need to think about what you are attaching them to, spanning from metal to wood to plastics, among others. Thinking about how you can attach the tag is also crucial. Consider whether there is a particular size limit for the tag, and whether it needs to survive a particular humidity range or temperature.

Different conditions in the environment such as water, other systems emitting radio frequency, metallic objects and power supply, as mentioned above may affect the performance and functioning of your RFID reader. It is therefore important to have all this factors in mind before and after purchasing this system so as to avoid a system failure or even errors in the reading and recording of tags.

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