Sunday, November 17, 2013

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Developing A Winning IT Strategy

By James Carter

A comprehensive IT strategy highlights the risk, vendor and technological management aspects in a firm. Within these areas are human resource effects and the impact on operation cost. The plan borrows from the overall vision of the business or organization and explains how technology will help them increase production, efficiency, management cost and reduce turnaround time. There is a progressive approach that illuminates the current situation and expected changes with introduction of information technology.

There is a corporate and business approach that shows the benefits technology will help the organization to add value to its operations. All departments must be represented to ensure that their roles are captured. Business development and legal teams work hand in hand with the IT team to ensure a holistic approach. This teamwork seeks to reduce the challenges of integration.

The details of such plans depend on the nature of each work environment. While most projects run for three to five years, implementation requires a great deal of flexibility. Information technology develops fast which calls for the need to adapt at the earliest opportunity. Provision for such changes must be made in the plan.

Sections that must be included are expected benefits from technology introduction, the aims and scope of implementation, method and approach and how it relates to the overall goals of the organization. Other details to be captured are impact on human resource. There is need to monetize the budgetary effects and future projections on staffing.

It is important for strategists to summarize the capability of the firm to handle such changes. This includes an inventory of the existing infrastructure, strengths and weaknesses. The possibility of external link during operation or implementation is captured as well. The cost of training and integration forms part of this analysis since technology changes the way institutions run.

The plan includes the opportunities that come with introduction of technology. Some of them are reduction of expenditure in human resource, operation cost and increased efficiency. Each of this reduction or improvement is given in monetary terms. Other aspects to be captured include possible effect on profits in the short and long term and how such a move affects competitiveness. Areas of vulnerability and the measure necessary to counter any threats are explained.

Technology brings new organization and operation structures that need to be understood. The responsibility and role of every player in the organization are clearly outlined. Timelines and milestones are given to show expected results and implications. Progress is given in terms of months, quarters, half year and full year results. It is important to embody the vision of the organization or business and how it is enhanced by technology.

Any IT strategy must see a better organization with technology than without. It seeks to provide solutions to daily challenges that affect production or service delivery, management and overall operations. There is a continuous approach that begins at the current status and ends in a company that is transformed by technology. Workers, clients and management experience ease transacting business in the new environment.

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