Friday, May 30, 2014

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Foxpro Programming Experts Support Legacy Systems

By Marci Glover

When a language loses its popularity due to changes in the market, it may still need to be supported. For example, many companies still have a requirement for Foxpro programming skills, even though the popularity of this language has declined dramatically. Such older systems will always need to be kept up to date with changes if they are to retain any usefulness to the organization.

In fact, the reality is that such older systems may often be mission-critical, as they were developed in response to a pressing need. It is hard to predict the future, and legacy systems which are still extremely written in languages which are no longer popular are very common. Possibly the situation will need to be addressed, but until this happens there is a niche market for some very rare skill sets.

Once a company has found a dependable supply of the right programmers, it is unlikely to change while it still uses the systems. Legacy systems may often crash due to changes in operating systems or networking software, and such crashes demand a rapid response. You do not want unskilled programmers learning on some very critical software.

New functions may also need to be added to keep up with new ways of doing business and retain a competitive edge. Interfaces to newly-installed software may also be necessary to prevent redundancy and an increased error rate. Often this interfacing is best done via the database, but sometimes additional information may need to be captured. It is best not to simply resort to re-capturing data, as this option is too error-prone.

Unfortunately, changes to an old system may be needed due to the business environment changing or even alterations in applicable legislation. When this happens, you want somebody with the necessary programming knowledge to undertake the work. Only specialized outsourcing companies will have a mix of the right skills readily available.

Sooner or later these dinosaur systems will require to be re-developed to make them easier to maintain and more user friendly. Even here, it is necessary for someone who knows the language in which the system is written to document all the current activities and functions. Unless this is done, important aspects may frequently slip through the cracks, as the current users are unlikely to be aware of everything the system does behind the scenes.

While computer systems are designed to business requirements, they also influence the way a business operates. Companies which rely on manual systems often change their administration rules frequently, and this can be a source of considerable confusion and error. Computer applications help to stabilize the situation, and ensure a greater degree of consistency to make managing the business much simpler.

Well-designed systems can give a company a competitive edge, as well as provide excellent information to help manage the business. If you have systems written in Foxpro, it is best to be sure you will have sufficient skilled developers to help keep your software current. The right firm of consultants will make this a cinch, and can also help keep your costs within bounds.

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