Friday, May 25, 2018

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Getting And Using An RFID Reader

By Ruth Fisher

The beautiful thing about humanity is the unyielding march to progress. It is often said that time flies, but the last century has really shown how fast that can happen in terms of technological innovation. Radio was the great innovation of the twentieth century and the foundation for much of the progress that came after. Many of the devices that have been developed since then, like the CSL RFID reader, came as a direct result of what was done in the past.

RFID stands for radio frequency identification. This is accomplished through tags. Passive tags have no internal or external power source and must use the energy given out by the radio waves being given out by a reader. An active tag is powered by a battery and often has a greater range than a passive tag.

Ultra high frequency, more commonly referred to as UHF, are the frequencies at which many of the most essential systems in the world operate. A lot of things like cell phone coverage, GPS, and even Wi-Fi all operate on UHF. Many RFID readers are tuned to ultra high frequencies.

In terms of security, using chips and readers can have multiple tags. Using a lock that is connected to an reader, like the kind in hotel rooms, can greatly reduce unauthorized entry. In a retail space, items can also be tagged, which means that if they move past a certain point, security can be alerted.

Tagged chips can also be use to keep track of living things. Pet owners often implant their animals with chips in order to make keeping track of them much easier and also to find them easily should they get lost. Animals can also be tagged while in zoos or other amusement parks, to keep track of them and to make sure that they remain in their respective enclosures.

But the interesting thing about the technology is that as advanced as it is, there is still room for it to grow. Retail could be streamlined with an RFID reader by simply tagging all the items in a store and then having the reader read note just the items, but also the credit card of a customer to automatically charge the card when a customer walks out, checkout lines and waiting in them would become a thing of the past. RFID chips can also be turned into dust and then ingested in some form or another by a person, thereby introducing the dust into the bloodstream to monitor health and wellness. Of course, there are some privacy concerns, as the technology that keeps track of animals can easily be applied to human beings.

Picking an RFID reader is as easy as simply going out and buying one. Like any other piece of tech, the market is flooded with all kinds. A customer is practically spoiled for choice.

Start with the price. Even a low cost device can cost hundreds of dollars. It might be a solid investment but is still a hefty one to make. Next, is the durability. Some devices will have to remain outside, because cars and trucks can also be tagged. Find one that can withstand being outside.

Technology is great. Humans are great for advancing it so much. As tech advances, human society will change and advance with it.

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