Wednesday, February 20, 2013

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That's what it feels like to wear Google Glass

Google has just put online a new video, giving a new example of the capabilities of his glasses connected. Fun, but a little feverish on the issue of development, obviously!

As detailed in the video below, you can give orders to  connected Google Glass, starting a sentence with "ok, glass," and continuing with "take a picture", "takes a video ', etc.. To help you, the list of available voice commands will be displayed in a dedicated encard, superimposed on eyeglass lenses.

Google fun, Google makes us salivate, and to turn this new video, Google has enjoyed making parachute jump, dance, games, roller coaster, also improvised snake charmer, etc. .

Really, it is stunning to see all the possibilities that could be brought about by this new technology, which also looks ... the porn industry!

If you want to offer a pair, with 1 500 USD, you can try your luck on this page. Attention, you will see your motivations to test these glasses. Or rather ... to pay a high price!


  1. Wow that's incredible , using google glass will be a fantastic experience !
