Sunday, July 7, 2013

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Why An IT Strategy Is Essential For Holding A Competitive Superiority

By Kenneth Wesley

The modern world changes so fast that even the most dedicated technology freaks struggle to keep up. New devices and software programs appear almost every day and information technology specialists have their hands full to keep their organizations on the forefront of technology. Without a comprehensive IT strategy, however, no business or organization can hope to take maximum advantage of the latest technology.

Strategic plans are complex and require a great deal of skill and knowledge. The development of such a plan is based upon an analysis of the external environment and must include fields such as the political, technological, financial and even the competition. Anticipated changes in this environment lead to specific plans that will use such changes to place the organization on a more competitive footing.

Information technology specialists have their task cut out for them. This field changes so fast that it is virtually impossible to stay up to date with new developments and plans for future developments. Many developers keep their plans secret because they do not want their competitors to get wind of new technology. However, regardless of how challenging it is to keep updated, it remains very important to maintain strategic plans for information technology departments.

There are many good reasons why organizations simply have no choice other than to keep their information technology up to date. New releases of software and new devices are often incompatible with older versions, rendering the organization unable to share data and to link up with other systems. New technology also often provides new methods of communication and even marketing and it is imperative to keep up to date simply to remain competitive.

Information technology strategic plans need to be reviewed and updated continually. In fact, larger organizations employ staff that has no other responsibility other than to manage the strategic plan. This is because the developments in this field change so fast that it is extremely difficult to remain proactive. Strategic planners therefor need to be not only futurists, but also realists that are able to make drastic changes at short notice.

Developing strategic plans for information technology is difficult and complex enough, but planning for the implementation of such plans can be a nightmare. Upgrading can cause chaos and it requires a great degree of skill to plan for the installation of new hardware and software while, at the same time, ensuring that productivity is maintained. Users need to be trained on the new technology and steps must be taken to ensure data integrity.

People with all the required skills to manage an information technology strategic plan are scarce and highly sought after. Such a person needs to be trained in various fields, including technology, management, managed services and leadership. The appointee often has to lead teams that consist of professionals that are all experts in their own right.

Without a realistic IT strategy an organization can at best hope to be reactive and is most likely to lose its competitive edge. Keeping abreast with technological advances is vital for the survival of any business. It is certainly difficult to develop up to date strategic plans but without such plans it would not be possible to embrace new developments to the advantage of the organization.

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