Friday, September 6, 2013

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Choosing Cloud Computing Providers Chicago

By Kate McMahon

Cloud computing is one of the most recent developments in data sharing. While it can potentially make businesses more efficient there is fear about how this additional access could be abused. One way to ensure that information is properly handled is by choosing the right cloud computing providers Chicago.

The problem is that there are a few concerns with this. A common concern is that more freely available information is easier to access. While this can be better in terms of making a business more efficient there is also the fear that data could be easier to steal and exploit.

There is also the fear of the damage hacking and viruses could do. With all of the information stored in one area this is an understandable concern. However what this simply means is taking more care when you are comparing the various provider options available to you and ensuring you get the right one.

It is not as simple as choosing someone to set it up. They should also be there and able to deal with any concerns you may have. In some respects it is more a commercial partnership than it is technical support. This means that you need to take great care who you go into partnership with.

The best providers will not meet with you in order to sell themselves. They ought to look at your company and decide what products and services are best suited to it. The smart ones will have done this before they come to you and be able to specifically discuss your business and goals. Furthermore it should not be that they offer one service and that is that. They should always look at development and innovation but also how that development and innovation can help your needs rather than trying to sell you expensive upgrades in order to hit sales targets.

As with any good sales representative they should also be prepared for various objections and be able to demonstrate why their service can overcome them. One of the biggest will usually be security. A provider needs to be able to demonstrate that their products and services can prevent any hacker or virus entering the system. Remember that when it comes to security it is not just about your needs but also in making sure that your system is up to standard and meets with any local regulations concerning the secure handling of data.

Equally they ought to be willing to develop new products and services and not simply attempt to sell a one size fits all package. A good provider will discuss what they can do. More specifically it should be about looking at your business and whether or not those new products and services are appropriate. Crucially the provider needs to give references. They have to be able to demonstrate that what they offer works. If they cannot give specific instances where their products benefited a business or they are hesitant to provide a reference then you should consider using another company.

In short when looking for cloud computing providers Chicago you need to think carefully about what you are being offered and whether it is relevant and will allow your business to grow and develop effectively. Ideally you ought to talk with at least three companies and compare their services. This will allow you to make the right choice for your business.

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