Saturday, August 4, 2018

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Important Facts On Dielectric Strength Or Hipot Tester Measures From An Electrical Engineering Perspective

By Carl Hughes

Dielectric Withstand or hipot testing is done by applying high voltage between wire being tested and ground, presumably locomotive chassis. If excess current leakage or if an arc occurs, test fails. Insulation Resistance testing provides numerical value indicating resistance insulation. Information on how hipot testers work can be read below.

High Pot can be AC or DC and done periodically, or at production line end, etc. Stress test result typically shows Pass Fail based on leakage current. For some systems, this may prove dangerous. Testing Medium Voltage Cable may also prove risky.

Dielectric strength illustrates max electric field pure substances could endure under optimal conditions without tearing or without showing breakdown of its insulating attributes. Theoretical dielectric withstand is a natural object attribute on raw material and autonomously designed material or electrodes to which electrical field is flowed. This innate dielectric withstand communicate data on what needs measuring using raw materials subjected upon optimal laboratory setting.

On breakdowns, electric field liberates bound electrons. In the event that connected electric field is adequately high, liberated electrons from environment radiation may wind up with quickened speeds that can free more electrons amid crashes with neutral molecules, atoms in process termed avalanche breakdown. Breakdown happens unexpectedly, n nanoseconds commonly, bringing about an electrically conductive way path and unexpected material discharge. For strong materials, breakdowns corrupts, even removes, materials insulating ability.

With respect to insulations and dielectric testings differences, none exists. Contrast between insulation and di electric testing does not matter. Dielectric quality basically demonstrates how well an insulator is. About testing, frequency test ought to be controlled by what voltage insulating substance should expect amid its functional period. Which implies you ought keep from DC quality testing aspects that will be utilized for AC 50 or 60 Hertz applications.

While they are just two separate and very different procedures, these terms are wildly thrown around interchangeably in electrical industry. So you cannot easily rely on those names accurately describe what is being tested alongside how test was performed. For example, in Practical Guide Di electric Tests, where Di electric Tests in their definition is an Insulation Resistance tests HiPot tests combination.

Though, commonly, HiPot analyzer being utilized for Di electric Quality test would satisfy usage towards Insulation Resistance analyzation. Particular terminology utilization would truly rely upon trade you are working, managing. In the event that it truly matters, you have to read given methodology label itself.

Insulation Resistance analyzation would dependably indicate DC. Di electric Quality test will typically be AC, however, could be DC. In the event that one checks whether one or the other could be skipped as they examine same things, investigations were done previously. Both are required as they give distinctive information as their final data.

A highlight unto interchangeability of these voltage tests is insignificant since all things considered, almost all manufactured insulated products undergo both tests since pigeon holing manufactured product into utilizing only one type of voltage frequency or electric transmission will always work for either provided they both have the same amount. Applying a 48v DC system with 650v AC secondary rated materials should be enough. Basically, not failing hipot would suffice regardless of insulating matter applied with.

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