Sunday, August 19, 2018

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The Right With A TV Power Supply

By Brian Snyder

When the first fish like creature that sprouted legs used those legs to crawl out on to some primordial beach, it must have freaked out considerably. There it was, on that ancient ground, feeling a whole host of new sensations, like being dry and feeling air. It was likely exposed to more light than it ever had, which means that is eyes had to adjust to that. It was all probably too much for its brain to handle, so much so that there was no way it could have ever predicted just how important it was, it likely did not have enough sentience beyond the need to find food and shelter. It was probably an instinctual animal. Nevertheless, while that creature was not aware of its own importance, succeeding generations of terrestrial animals would all evolve in different ways. Humanity never would have evolved if not for that one creature. The bipedal locomotion, walking and running, would have never happened if not for that one fish like creature. After, one must walk before one runs. That is true in people and it is true in evolution. But humanity did run, so much so that it built sprawling cities full of gleaming skyscrapers. But to do so required, and still requires, the heavy use of tools like machinery and automated systems. To operate those machines and system, there has to be a source of energy, like a TV Power Supply.

A television set is a box. Now, that box does nothing by itself. It can turn on if plugged in, but it really does not do anything by itself. But, it is a medium. It is the method by which media is delivered into a home.

The reason that devices need a power source is simple. Because it has no internal means of generating its own energy. Without that energy, they are unable to work at their best, that is if they work at all. So there has to be an outside source to provide that energy.

Now, finding that power source should not be too difficult. Most televisions get plugged into an electrical socket. Now, most modern houses will have multiple electrical sockets. Which means that the only difficulty in finding them will the physical act of searching.

Of course, money will have to be an issue. Money does not travel into a private residence of its own accord. It has to be delivered there, mostly by a company. Now, that company is going to expect some form of compensation for doing this. Which means there has to be a payment, which can happen every month.

Safety must be a primary concern for everyone. No one wants their electrical socket burning down their house. So metal and liquids of all kinds have to be kept away from it. The last thing anyone wants is a short circuiting and then a subsequent fire.

The reason that people watch TV is simple. Because it is entertaining. The audience can switch it on and either turn off or turn up their brains as they follow along their fiction.

The source should be consistent. No one wants to have their show cut off because the electricity went out. Unfortunately, that consistency cannot be controlled.

Being alive is not always easy. But humanity discovered ways to make it easier. It is just that those innovations need a way to work, to do their thing.

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