Thursday, August 16, 2018

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TV Main Panel Replacement A Do It Yourself Guide

By Maria Butler

Replacing the main board in your television is not an easy task especially if you are not a technician. Maybe you are thinking of just disposing the television and buy a new one. Or maybe you are thinking of just letting a technician do the job for you. That sounds like the best thing to do. But you can actually do some basic TV main board replacement if you want to. In this article, I will show you simple steps that you could follow and try to replace that faulty main board. These steps are for those who have a knack for experimenting with things.

Before you begin with any of these steps you should have the necessary tools to remove the board from the TV. You most likely need some screwdrivers for this job. Additional tools can be added depending on the TV model.

Before you could replace the main board, you need to know the exact model of the system that you are trying to repair. You do not wish to waste money buying replacement parts that do not fit with the model you are working on. Know the model first and buying those required parts should give you no trouble.

To do any type of work you are required to have the specific tools for the specific job. Same when trying to replace the main board of the TV, you need specific tools to help you accomplish the work much faster. Tools are designed to help you do your job so make sure you have them.

You also need to have the required tools to be able to remove the old EEPROM chip and replace it with the new one. You might need a soldering iron to do this. Installing the new chip should not be difficult if you have the tools for the job.

Make sure to perform the steps carefully as you do not want to damage the healthy components of the panel. Damaging healthy parts will bring more frustration on the job and you may end up damaging the whole panel.

I would recommend replacing the damage component rather than buying the mainboard which actually costs more. You just need a few technical skills to perform the operations. And with enough patience, you might be able to bring back a dead television set back to life.

Finally, we can now return the rear cover back to its place. Use the screws that we removed earlier to secure the cover in its place. Make sure they are tight enough for a maximum grip.

There we have a very simple process of removing and replacing the main panel of your TV set. Note however that the guide is only to solve the problem that is caused by a faulty panel. There are other tutorials out there that teach us how to replace damaged components from the central panel. You can always check them out if you think you are ready for more electronic works.

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